Should Joe Biden drop out of the race? If so, when?

 July 10, 2023

The White House is spending a lot of its time trying to distract Americans from President Biden's age and fragile state.

As Biden's verbal and mental gaffes continue to grow more frequent, the American people are becoming more concerned about a potential second term.

Americans now wait on the edge of their seats, anxious, nervous, sad and uncomfortable about what our commander in chief might say next that will embarrass our country.

"As stated in this space in the past, I don’t believe Biden will be the Democratic nominee in 2024. Now, while the president, his White House and his allies may predictably denounce such speculation as ridiculous or wishful thinking, what if I and others turn out to be correct?" wrote Douglas Mackinnon, and opinion contributor for The Hill.

"That possibility raises a critically important question: When would be the optimal time for President Biden to announce he’s dropping out of the race to give the Democratic Party the best chance to retain the White House?" Mackinnon wrote.

"A very strong case can be made for: immediately," Mackinnon says. "If the Democratic National Committee is going to open up the primary to other candidates, the sooner the better."

"Timing is often as important as strategy," Mackinnon writes. "Johnson waited until the last day of March 1968 to drop out. If Biden dropped out now, he would give potential candidates like California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg or even Michelle Obama an extra nine months to prepare for November 2024."