Large Majority Says Biden Lacks Stamina And Sharpness To Serve

 April 8, 2023

This isn't some poll conducted by a right-wing conspiracy theorist. In fact, it came from a source than can be described as quite the opposite:


And 70% of those surveyed STILL believe that "President Joe Biden lacks the stamina and sharpness to serve effectively as president of the United States."

The numbers across the board in the poll for Biden were TERRIBLE.

- 62% say Biden does NOT inspire confidence.
- 54% say Biden is NOT trustworthy and honest.
- 54% say Biden does NOT care about people like them.
- 54% said they would prefer somebody other than Biden to capture the DNC nomination in 2024.
- 51% said Biden can NOT work effectively with Congress.

Even CNN had to admit these numbers represented MASSIVE trouble for our next former president.

"The numbers are beyond sobering for President Biden," CNN anchor John King said. "Consider these numbers an early campaign baseline."