Senators Praise Supreme Court Decision To Review Trump Ballot Issue

 January 10, 2024

The Supreme Court has decided to review the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove former President Donald Trump from primary ballot in the upcoming election.

Alina Habba, a lead attorney for Trump, told Fox News in a recent interview that she thinks “it should be a slam dunk in the Supreme Court.”

I have faith in them. You know, people like Kavanaugh, who the president fought for, who the president went through how to get into place, he’ll step up,” Habba continued.

The removal of Trump from state ballots is such a controversial topic that even Democratic senators, like Richard Blumenthal (CT), agree that this decision is one for the Supreme Court alone.

“We can’t have every state making this decision on its own. It’s a question of federal law that the highest federal court has to decide,” Blumenthal said in a recent statement.

Now, it looks like it is indeed up to the Supreme Court to decide if Trump will appear on Colorado ballot.

What do you think the justices will determine?