Delaware Senator Tom Carper Retiring

 May 23, 2023

Senator Tom Carper, a Democrat, has been a fixture of Delaware politics for literally decades.

After all, he's held his current position in Congress since 2001 and has been earning his living in American politics since the peanut farmer from Georgia was president.

Back then, he was elected to the Senate after terms as a state treasurer, governor, and congressman. Now, that career is about to reach its conclusion.

After years and years and years in the business, Carper is hanging it up and retiring. He made the announcement on May 22.

"While nothing is forever, the Delaware Democratic Party is blessed today with a bench as strong as any I've ever seen in the 50 years that I've called Delaware home," Carper said. He added:

If there was ever an opportune time to step aside and pass the torch to the next generation, it's coming, and it will be here on Jan. 3, 2025. But, until then, God willing, I'll continue working 60-hour weeks and coming home on the train most nights as long as Martha keeps leaving the light on for me.

I'm guessing Martha is his wife. I hope so, anyway!