Senator Lindsey Graham booed off the stage by crowd of Trump supporters

 July 2, 2023

Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) seems to have finally worn out his welcome with conservatives as he was booed and shouted down during a Trump rally in his home state of South Carolina on Saturday.

Graham spoke for just five minutes, but that was five minutes too long for most of the rally attendees who had no interest in hearing from the lawmaker.

The senator stated, "Let me tell you how you win an election, folks. You get people together that don't agree all of the time to agree on the most important things. My hope is we can bring this party together 'cause he's gonna be our nominee," Graham continued amid a stream of soft booing from many in attendance. "He will be the nominee of the Republican Party, and let me tell you what's at stake. If they win in 2024, they're gonna pack the Supreme Court. So we need to get off our butts and make sure Donald Trump wins."

Despite his support for Trump's election campaign, conservatives haven't forgotten Graham's snake-like behavior.

Graham is an America First senator during election season but immediately reverts to an establishment Republican more interested in preserving the status quo than bringing about real change.

Why he thought he would be well received at Trump's rally, we will likely never know. One thing we know for sure, though, is that Graham is in serious jeopardy of losing his position and influence in the Republican Party.