Senate Dems reportedly concerned about Biden's polling numbers

 September 12, 2023

President Joe Biden and many of his White House officials have spent most of the summer desperately trying to sell the idea that "Bidenomics" is a working policy, even though an overwhelming majority of working-class Americans can literally barely afford groceries and gas.

According to Breitbart, the attempt to sell the idea that Biden has done any good whatsoever for the U.S. economy has fallen completely flat, and some Senate Democrats are finally leaving their delusions behind and admitting that a real problem is brewing.

The timing couldn't possibly be worse, as Biden gears up for his 2024 presidential bid, and Democrats in both chambers of Congress will undoubtedly be affected by Biden's taking polling numbers when the ballot boxes open up next year.

"You got to be concerned about those poll numbers, you just do," Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) said, according to The Hill. "There’s plenty of time to get them back up. Whether he can or not, I just don’t know but you got to be concerned."

Another Democratic senator, who requested to remain anonymous, broke the harsh truth behind Biden's failing approval with American voters.

"There’s just no enthusiasm," the unidentified senator said. "It does pretty much come down to 'Well, he’s done a pretty good job, but he’s just too old.'"

Breitbart noted a recent poll that indicated Biden is in real trouble in the polling department -- so much so that it's becoming difficult for Democrats to defend him without sounding completely asinine.

"Biden’s average approval rating on Real Clear Politics pings at 42 percent, while a CBS/YouGov poll released Sunday morning showed his approval rating even lower, at 40 percent versus 60 percent who are unhappy with his performance," Breitbart noted.

Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) continued to lie about the president's so-called accomplishments, and he essentially blamed voters for not recognizing that the economy is improving. And Democrats wonder why voters have lost trust.

"They think inflation is still running away. Inflation has come from 9% to 3, now 3.5%," he said. "It’s, relatively speaking, under control. Now we’re not at 2%, but we’re darn close," Hickenlooper said, while at the same time savings accounts are depleted, credit card limits are maxed, and grocery prices remain at all-time highs.

"What can you do? You have to continue to try and find fresh ways of talking about this," Hickenlooper added. "I think we have to find some fresh ways of letting people know that the reality of what we’re seeing is little short of a miracle."

Go ahead and laugh if you just read that. I am.

Democrats are absolutely doomed in 2024, as Americans will overwhelmingly shy away from a repeat of this disaster of an administration.