Secret Service says no to FOIA request for communication records of investigation into cocaine found at White House

By Jen Krausz on
 July 13, 2023

The U.S. Secret Service said Tuesday that it won't fulfill a Freedom of Information Act request for communications related to the cocaine found inside the White House last week, because it thinks releasing those materials will compromise its investigation.

Jason Leopold of Bloomberg, who filed the request, posted, "In response to my #FOIA request, Secret Service says it cannot release any records about the cocaine found in the White House because it would interfere enforcement proceedings."

The White House's reluctance to discuss how the cocaine found its way onto the premises and who might have dropped it there has only fueled speculation and questions about it.

Former President Donald Trump said that if the White House didn't produce the security tapes, it was probably because the cocaine was Hunter Biden's or even Joe Biden's himself, to "give this total disaster of a President a little life and energy!”

Others have speculated that it belonged to a member of Congress or another high-ranking official.

The White House's secrecy about it says they likely know exactly who that cocaine belonged to -- they just don't want the public to know.