Russia announces successful test of new nuclear-capable missile

 November 6, 2023

As if the world didn't have enough on its plate, Russia just made a major weapons-related announcement that has the world on edge.

According to Breitbart, Russia "reported a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile designed to carry nuclear warheads from a new nuclear submarine."

In a recent statement, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that the new submarine, the Imperator Alexander III, successfully fired nuclear warhead-capable intercontinental Bulava missile from an underwater position.

The test strike was fired from the northern White Sea and was able to hit a target in the far-eastern region of Kamchatka successfully.

Video footage of the test strike was uploaded across social media. It was unclear when the test was conducted.

Breitbart noted:

The Imperator Alexander III is one of the new Borei-class nuclear submarines that carry 16 Bulava missiles each and are intended to serve as the core naval component of the nation´s nuclear forces in the coming decades.

The Russian Defense Ministry noted in its statement regarding the launch that it was the final test for the advanced, new Russian Naval vessel. The success of the test will play a role in deciding when the country will place the new vessel into service.

"Firing a ballistic missile is the final element of state tests, after which a decision will be made to accept the cruiser into the Navy," the Defense Ministry's statement read.

The 40-foot-long ICBM has a range of 5,000 miles, placing many countries, including the United States, in the potential target area.

Reuters noted:

The Imperator Alexander III is the seventh of the Russian Project 955 Borei (Arctic Wind) class nuclear submarines and the fourth of the modernised Borei-A variant, according to Russian sources.

They are known in NATO as the Dolgoruky class of submarines, after the first boat - the Yuri Dolgoruky - became the first new generation of nuclear submarine launched by Russia since the Cold War.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has spent over two decades rebuilding the country's military and, specifically, its nuclear capabilities.

Russian media outlets reported Russia plans to construct 10 to 12 Borei-class submarines, to be divided among their Northern and Pacific fleets.

While the Russian military might be in a weakened state, given its continued war in Ukraine, its nuclear capabilities are still enough to keep world leaders up at night.