Ronna McDaniel says Biden administration is 'more China first than America first'

By Jen Krausz on
 May 1, 2023

RNC chair Ronna McDaniel blasted the Biden administration for its coziness with China amid reports of payoffs from Chinese-owned companies to President Joe Biden's family members during and after his time in office as vice president.

"We're not going to have the America we know and love if this continues," McDaniel told "Fox News Sunday" host Shannon Bream. "If they stack the Supreme Court, if they get rid of the filibuster, if they abandon energy independence, if they're so beholden to China."

"China is running this White House in a lot of ways… this is an administration that is more China first than America first," McDaniel claimed.

One example of Biden's China-centric policies is a 24-month moratorium he ordered on tariffs on solar panels from China, which the House is in the process of overturning with bipartisan support.

"Joe Biden’s decision to protect Communist China’s solar manufacturers from U.S. tariffs is another demonstration of weakness from an already spineless administration," House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), told Fox News Digital last week.

China has been overly aggressive and threatening toward Taiwan in recent months, and there has been much speculation that China may invade Taiwan while Biden is in office because of his perceived weakness.