DeSantis Closing Gap On Trump In Some States

 June 9, 2023

Donald Trump had been building up a pretty good lead on every other Republican in America for quite some time.

Just when we thought things might be getting out of reach for his competition, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis proved that the field hasn't conceded to Donald Trump just yet.

There are a number of states where the race is a little bit closer than Trump and his fanbase want you to believe.

Utah is one of those places.

Trump may be leading nationally by quite a bit, but things are quite a bit closer in the beehive state.

In Utah, Donald is polling at 27% in the Republican presidential primary. DeSantis is just one point behind at 26%.

What do you think? Is DeSantis' mini comeback in Utah representative of a nationwide movement that is about to come to fruition? Or is it simply an outlier in the data that makes things seem closer than they really are?

Let us know in the comments section below.