Robert Patrick Forced To Become Hero In Boating Accident Aftermath

 January 20, 2024

Robert Patrick has played a hero on screen plenty of times.

But even so, fans of The Sopranos are well aware that Patrick does not always play the hero.

What may be surprising for them to learn, though, is that his wimpy character in The Sopranos may have been closer to Patrick's real-life persona.

That is until one startling thing happened to Patrick.

He was FORCED to save the day after a horrific boating accident.

After realizing that maybe he really could be a hero, Patrick decided to pursue acting.

Fans of the Terminator movies and Die Hard 2, are sure glad that Patrick made that choice. He explained:

In 1984, I was piloting a 30-foot boat that belonged to a buddy when it capsized and sank. Five of us were in the water, including my brother, Lewis. The boat hadn’t been properly prepped.

He had to swim over three miles to shore to get help, noting:

With each stroke, I prayed and promised myself that if I survived, I’d pursue acting.

He made it to a yacht club, and "we rescued everyone."

The rest is history.