RFK Jr. goes shirtless on Twitter, does pushups, Biden humiliated

 June 27, 2023

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. continues to shock the world, and this time he did it with a shirtless video of himself doing pushups. The video left RFK and Biden sweating for different reasons.

Kennedy shared a video of himself on Twitter over the weekend that appeared to show him doing pushups.

"Getting in shape for my debates with President Biden!" Kennedy said in the tweet.


Kennedy completed nine straight pushups before calling it quits.

"Americans gained an average of 29 pounds during the COVID lockdowns. I will help turn this around by encouraging our citizens to exercise, eat well, and fortify their immune systems by removing harmful chemicals from our food," Kennedy said in the tweet.

"So start doing your morning calisthenics, everybody. Get yourself in shape for a Kennedy Presidency!" he added.

"The Democratic National Committee has already announced it would not hold primary debates this year, although Kennedy is one of two contenders in the running. Author Marianne Williamson is also facing off for the Democratic presidential nomination," reported the Washington Examiner.

"Eight in 10 Democratic primary voters want the president to debate Williamson and Kennedy, according to a June USA Today/Suffolk University poll," reported Washington Examiner. "It also revealed 21% are undecided on which candidate to vote for. President Joe Biden had 58% of Democratic support, 15% of Democratic voters supported Kennedy, and 6% backed Williamson."

The video of Kennedy comes as poll after poll reveals that voters have major concerns with Biden's mental and physical fitness for office.

Kennedy is 11 years younger than Biden.