Rescuers searching burned buildings in Lahaina, looking for human remains

By Jen Krausz on
 August 12, 2023

Rescuers went door to burned-out door in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii on Saturday, searching burned-out homes and buildings throughout the town for human remains as the death toll rose to 80, and the fires were at least 85% contained.

Buildings that have been searched and found clear are marked with an orange X, while those that contain human remains are marked HR, according to the Associated Press.

“There are already 80 fatalities. It’s going to rise,” Gov. Josh Green said Saturday while touring the devastation. “It will certainly be the worst natural disaster that Hawaii ever faced. ... We can only wait and support those who are living. Our focus now is to reunite people when we can and get them housing and get them health care, and then turn to rebuilding.”

Sirens that were set up to warn residents to leave their homes in an emergency did not appear to have sounded, so many people had no warning that fire was about to rapidly sweep through the area.

Telecommunications were out due to the high winds from an offshore hurricane, so many people did not receive warnings through their phones either.

Shelters are being set up to help more than 4,500 people who have been displaced from their homes and lost everything in the fires.