Republicans targeting three vulnerable Senate seats to take Senate in 2024

 July 10, 2023

Republicans are targeting three seats they believe are vulnerable and could hand them a majority in the Senate in the 2024 election.

The GOP needs to win three toss-up races in Arizona, Ohio and West Virginia, to take a majority in the Senate and thwart the possibility of losing control of the House of Representatives.

Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) is vulnerable, and Republicans believe they can capture her seat, which would still hurt Democrats, as Sinema caucuses with them. She also has yet to even confirm if she is running for reelection.

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is also vulnerable, and Republicans think they will be able to remove him and add his seat to their prospective majority. Like Sinema, Manchin has yet to confirm if he will seek reelection.

Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) is the last piece to the puzzle for Republicans, as Ohio has turned from a swing state to a red state. Republicans already hold Ohio's other Senate seat and are expected to depose Brown next year.

If Republicans can win those three races and hang on to the House of Representatives, it will be a massive gift for Donald Trump if he wins the presidential election and can immediately enact his agenda with a friendly legislature.