Republican raises concerns over Biden trading 'actual Russian criminals' for Americans

 August 2, 2024

House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Michael McCaul, a Republican from Texas, did say that he was "thrilled" to hear that detained Americans were coming back home after the Biden administration recently struck a deal with the Russian government.

However, McCaul doesn't think that this is all sunshine and roses.

McCaul isn't saying that Americans should be left in Russia or anything, but he wonders what kind of message are we sending to Putin if every time he unlawfully throws an American in jail, we respond by letting dangerous Russians walk free.

"I remain concerned that continuing to trade innocent Americans for actual Russian criminals held in the U.S. and elsewhere sends a dangerous message to Putin that only encourages further hostage taking by his regime," McCaul said.

What do you think about his argument?

Do you think that America's government needs to make sure that we aren't giving dangerous Russian criminals their freedom? Or do U.S. officials have a responsibility to get these Americans home no matter what?