Republican Lance Gooden rips FBI for two-tier justice system, asserts it is in a 'sad state'

 June 25, 2023

Texas Republican Lance Gooden ripped into the FBI during an interview with the John Solomon Reports podcast saying the FBI is in a "sad state," and is rotten to the core.

During the podcast, Gooden stated, "The FBI is really in a sad state. There is in fact, a two-tiered justice system, and the FBI has a lot of rot that has not been fully taken out. We have got a lot of work to do."

Gooden's comments come after the FBI handed Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, a sweetheart deal that allowed him to escape any time in prison for multiple tax violations and lying on a form to buy a handgun.

The lawmaker also ripped the FBI for its partisan investigation into allegations that Donald Trump colluded with Russia in 2016. There have been little or no consequences for the collusion hoax, and the culture is still staunchly leftist.

Gooden continued by saying, "The necessary reforms are going to take a long time, and it's going to take a lot of work. And I think that we need the FBI, but we've got to have faith in the FBI and the American people have to have faith in the FBI."

The FBI needs to be completely gutted, and anyone who has been in a leadership position needs to be fired. Until then, Americans have no reason to trust the FBI to be objective and nonpartisan.