Rep. Steve Cohen moves to censure Justice Samuel Alito

 May 22, 2024

Rep. Steve Cohen from Tennessee, a Democrat, says that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. "breached judicial ethics when he flew the flag upside down following the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol."

As a result, Cohen is attempting to have Alito CENSURED.

Cohen wants Alito rebuked over recent claims that there was an upside-down flag flying in Alito's yard at some point in 2020.

The lawmaker said that Alito "knowingly violating the federal recusal statute and binding ethics standards and calling the impartiality of the Supreme Court of the United States into question by continuing to participate in cases in which his prior public conduct could be reasonably interpreted to demonstrate bias."

"Beyond poor judgment, Justice Alito’s misuse of the American flag is a knowing and shameless demonstration of his political bias. He literally flew a flag in front of his house showing the world he supported the Jan. 6th insurrectionists. What’s more, he continues to participate in litigation directly related to the 2020 election and the Insurrection, in direct violation of the federal recusal statute and the Supreme Court’s own ethics rules," Cohen added.

"There must be accountability to protect the integrity and impartiality of the high court. We must protect the constitutional rights to fair and impartial proceedings. Justice Alito should be censured for flagrant breaches of the law and court rules, and he must recuse himself from all other 2020 election and Jan. 6th related litigation," he concluded.