Rapper Meek Mill torches Biden's age, voices support for Trump in 2024

 January 18, 2024

Any reasonable person knows that 81-year-old President Joe Biden's age is a major factor in how Americans and the rest of the world view him.

Some people his age are still sharp as ever, some aren't. Biden falls within the latter category, and many are finally coming around to admitting that, quite simply, Biden is far removed from spring chicken status.

According to Breitbart, rapper Meek Mill made headlines recently by echoing that sentiment, saying bluntly that the president is "too old" to run again.

Not only did Mill point out the downfall of Biden's age-related handicap, but he also took to social media to back former President Donald Trump, who continues to beat Biden in recent polls.

"Joe Biden is too old to be our president ‘respectfully’ wtf is going on in the American system that yall pushing this through like it’s okay to trust what we seeing," the Dreamchasers CEO wrote.

He pointed out a common argument in that Biden's mind isn't sharp enough to make national security decisions, especially at a time of great unrest across the world, with potential wars brewing in the Middle East and in the Pacific.

"We talking [missiles] … advance technology… mental and physical warfare …. That’s not a lane for the older!" Mill wrote.

Notably, about a day after his original post, Mill published another post seemingly endorsing Trump for 2024.

He hinted that poverty-stricken Black Americans, who've suffered under Biden's time in the White House, will undoubtedly not cast a vote for the same guy -- Biden -- who put them in a rough spot over the past several years.

"Wait til yall see who the black people in poverty voting for!!!!" Mill wrote on X, attaching a video of Trump's speech in New Hampshire.

The rapper isn't a stranger to politics and modern issues, either. He, along with several other artists and sports stars, launched the REFORM Alliance, which aims to reform state probation and parole laws.

Mill is one of many Black entertainers who have voiced public support for the former president over Biden.

Some polls have shown Trump garnering an increase in Black and Hispanic voter support for 2024, which is nothing less than a total nightmare for Biden's presidential campaign.