Ramaswamy edges out DeSantis as best debate perfomer, new poll says

By Jen Krausz on
 August 28, 2023

A New York Post poll taken after Wednesday's GOP debate by Leger showed that tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy edged out Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as the top performer, 23% to 21%.

Former Vice President Mike Pence came in third at 11%.

“I think it’s interesting in the sense that you had one of the early front-runners, DeSantis, doing reasonably well, but you’ve also got a bit of an upstart coming in playing a bit of the outsider card,” Leger Executive Vice President Andrew Enns said about the poll.

Trump is still by far the frontrunner in the race; in fact, 61% of poll respondents said he was their first choice, with only 9% choosing DeSantis.

“No one’s gonna win this thing with Trump still a viable candidate,” Enns said.

Second place really doesn't matter that much, especially since Ramaswamy has said he won't be vice president if offered, and there seems too much antipathy between DeSantis and Trump now for that to happen.