Putin declares Biden 'rude' for labeling him a 'crazy SOB'

 February 23, 2024

Though President Joe Biden considers himself to be a universally respected world leader, that perception took a public hit this past week, as Russia's Vladimir Putin described him as “rude” in response to a rather cutting statement the commander in chief made on Wednesday, as the Guardian reports.

During remarks centered on climate change, Biden labeled Putin a “crazy SOB,” a move that prompted no shortage of commentary from Moscow and beyond.

Biden's take on Putin emerged during an appearance at a high-dollar Democratic donor event in San Francisco, as ABC News notes.

While characterizing climate change as the most significant threat facing humanity, Biden pivoted to an attack on Putin, saying, “We have a crazy SOB, that guy Putin, others, and we always have to be worried about a nuclear conflict.”

Despite those dangers, Biden claimed, “the existential threat to humanity is climate.”

The barb about Putin did not go unnoticed in influential Russian government circles, with the man himself declaring Biden's remark to have been “rude.”

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov was even more outspoken in his distaste for Biden's snarky take, saying, “The use of such language against the head of another state by the president of the United States is unlikely to infringe on our president, President Putin.”

“But it debases those who use such vocabulary,” Peskov added, opining that the comment was “probably some kind of attempt to look like a Hollywood cowboy.”

It was not just on Wednesday that Biden took aggressive aim at Putin, with the American president last week also slamming the Russian leader and “his thugs” over the death of political opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

“We don't know exactly what happened, but there is no doubt that the death of Navalny was a consequence of something that Putin and his thugs did,” Biden alleged, prompting outrage from Kremlin officials who deemed to claim “unacceptable.”

Despite the back-and-forth over Biden's latest insult, the Russian president last week revealed that if given a choice in the upcoming American presidential election, he would like for the incumbent to receive a second term instead of former President Donald Trump, as the Associated Press reported.

“Biden, he's more experienced, more predictable, he's a politician of the old formation,” Putin explained.

He went to say, however, that Russia would willingly “work with any U.S. leader whom the American people trust.”

Putin once again reiterated that position in the wake of Biden's salty dig, saying on Thursday, “I said that we would work with any president, but I think that for us, for Russia, Biden is more preferable,” arguably providing American voters with some real food for thought as they weigh their options in the lead up to November.