Project Veritas' new CEO, Hannah Giles, abruptly resigns, cites discovery of company's 'illegalities'

 December 13, 2023

Project Veritas simply hasn't been the same since the nasty breakup with its founder, James O'Keefe, played out earlier this year.

According to Yahoo News, Hannah Giles, the undercover camera outfit's new CEO, abruptly resigned this week, stating that she stepped into an "unsalvageable mess" when she accepted the position.

Giles also dropped a bombshell in her sudden exit from the company, writing in an X post that she discovered the organization was "wrought with strong evidence of past illegality and past financial improprieties."

Making matters worse for the organization, which was wildly controversial in its prime, Giles said that once she discovered the alleged illegalities and financial improprieties, "I brought the information to the appropriate law enforcement agencies."

Notably, her resignation comes in the wake of Project Veritas announcing a near complete shutdown in September of this year.

CBS News noted:

Project Veritas, a conservative nonprofit group, is laying off staff and pausing its fundraising "due to various events and circumstances," CEO Hannah Giles said in an email to CBS MoneyWatch.

Giles didn't disclose how many workers are getting cut, nor elaborate on what spurred the layoffs and halt in fundraising. A report from Mediaite said that six employees were laid off this week, including all journalists and one development associate, leaving 11 people on the nonprofit's payroll.

"In the interest of preserving the possible future existence of Project Veritas we need to put operations on pause and, as communicated since the Spring, another Reduction in Force ('RIF') is necessary," HR director Jennifer Kiyak said at the time.

O'Keefe was sued by the organization earlier this year, accusing him of "incredibly troubling workplace and financial misconduct" and breaching his contract. There were allegations that he screamed at employees and made them run various errands.

The original founder would ultimately go on to launch his own investigative journalism enterprise.

Social media users reacted to the news of Giles' abrupt resignation, with many accusing her of only sticking around long enough to drain the company's financial resources before calling it quits.

"Sure, sure. James cleared out, money gone, hit job complete. Hope you got paid because your name is mud and you're now radioactive," one X user wrote.

Tim Young wrote, "Cleaned them out of money and going home... as many predicted you would do."