Prince William reportedly seeking more power as King Charles ages: Report

 December 27, 2023

The British Royal Family could be shaken up in the coming years if current reports on Prince William's ambitions are accurate.

According to a report from the Royalist, Prince Williams is hungry for more power. He reportedly expects "to be given more influence and control" over the monarchy as King Charles progresses in age.

Friends of the prince confirmed the report to the outlet, and other sources are predicting an ensuing power struggle instead.

The Royalist noted:

But other sources say such expectations are likely to lead to conflict between father and son, as Charles is “allergic to anyone telling him what to do, and William is not exactly famed for his subtlety.”

Other sources told the outlet that William will ultimately "respect" his father's higher rank, contrasting with Prince Harry, who isn't exactly known for falling in line with the royal's wishes.

One of the main differences between King Charles and his son, the report noted, was the way the two camps run their operations.

"William and Kate would do things like give you two weeks off if your father died, while Charles’ office has a more workaholic vibe," one former Palace worker told the outlet.

Still, according to experts, the potential power struggle likely won't be publicly known as they tend to keep such bickering private and within the palace walls.

According to the New York Post, William took a shot at his father last month while speaking with reporters regarding charity work.

"Rather than just being patron, I want to do more, I want to actually build the homes, I want to provide them with the mental support, all the employment and the education they might need," William said, implying that he'd go further than his father in such ventures.

The Post added an excerpt from the new Omid Scobie book Endgame.

There was rarely a moment where [Charles] stepped on his mother’s toes … but it’s different with William. He’s eager to establish himself as his own man … He’s not giving his father the same space Charles did with the late Queen Elizabeth. There’s no time for that."

It was noted that William would more than likely sit on the throne for far longer than King Charles, his father. Charles' time in power has been described as "transitional."

Only time will tell if the situation develops into a royal fight. Crazier things have happened.