Presidential Candidate Assassinated At Campaign Event

 August 11, 2023

An anti-corruption candidate running for the presidency of Ecuador has been brutally slaughtered at a campaign event, according to authorities in the country.

President Guillermo Lasso confirmed that Fernando Villavicencio, 59, the leader of the Movimiento Construye Party, has been murdered.

Villavicencio leaves behind a widow and five children after being killed by a group of thugs. One of the shooters was found dead shortly after the murder.

"I assure you that this crime will not go unpunished," Ecuador's president said. "Organized crime has gone too far, but they will feel the full weight of the law."

General Manuel Iñiguez, a deputy commander of the Ecuadoran national police, confirmed that Villavicencio was killed by gunfire shortly after getting into a truck at a rally at a high school.

The fact that this murder happened near what should be a safe space for children makes the news even more troubling.

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