President Biden's Past Voting Record Revealed

 May 12, 2023

Fox News Channel's Your World host Neil Cavuto revealed some information about President Joe Biden's past that is just disturbing.

Cavuto noted that when Biden was a United States senator, he "went along with interrupting and disrupting the then-Republican President’s plan to try to get the debt ceiling raised."

The host said Biden voted against raising the debt limit on multiple occasions when George W. Bush was president.

Cavuto spoke with Fox News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram on the debate over lifting the debt ceiling.

Cavuto said, "We hear so much talk in the press about this is Republicans doing this again. But if memory serves me right, Chad, Democrats did the same thing when George W. Bush was President in 2003, 200[4], 2006."

"The President was a senator at the time and went along with interrupting and disrupting the then-Republican President’s plan to try to get the debt ceiling raised," Cavuto continued. "Republicans essentially did it on their own back then. So, Republicans are saying, that’s what Democrats did back then. That’s what we’re kind of doing right now."

Pergram added that it’s "Funny how the shoe is on the other foot. Certainly, President Biden viewed this differently at one point."