Porsche Edits Giant Jesus Statue Out Of Video

 August 12, 2023

Perhaps you've heard of Porsche.

It is a company that makes cars that cost too much and go too fast.

That's the primary activity for which the firm has long been known.

Now it is known for trying to erase Jesus Christ.

A recent ad by Porsche recently went viral not for what was seen in the video but for what was NOT seen in the video.

The advertisement, filmed in Lisbon, Portugal, featured the location of the Cristo Rei, "a statue of Jesus Christ that overlooks the city of Lisbon, Portugal."

While it featured the location of the Cristo Rei, it did not feature the statute itself.

Porsche edited the King of Christianity out of the video before posting it.

Christians all over the world have to be careful about this. Nobody else is going to stand up for us. In fact, they're all going to do the exact opposite. Porsche just proved it again.