Pennsylvania poll shows Trump over Biden by 1 point, leading GOP field by 24

By Jen Krausz on
 June 30, 2023

A new Quinnipiac poll of Pennsylvania voters showed former President Donald Trump with a scant 1-point lead over President Joe Biden, 47% to 46%, although that result is within the poll's margin of error.

Trump also leads the GOP field of presidential hopefuls by 24% over his nearest rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Biden got 94% of Democrat votes in the poll, while Trump got 89% of Republican votes. Independents once again made the difference in the numbers, with 51% supporting Trump while 37% supported Biden.

Among his GOP rivals for the nomination, Trump got 49% of the vote to DeSantis's 25%. Former Vice President Mike Pence and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie each got 5%, with the rest of the field splitting the remaining 16% of the vote.

Trump was significantly ahead with very conservative, somewhat conservative and even moderate/liberal Republican voters, though his support was highest with more conservative Republicans.

The normal trend for elections in swing states is to see the Democrat ahead early on, with the Republican candidate drawing closer as the election nears. If Trump is already ahead in Pennsylvania, it seems like very bad news for Biden's re-election hopes (as well it should be with his dismal job performance and declining mental capacity).