Pence Officially Launches 2024 Presidential Campaign

 June 6, 2023

Former Vice President Mike Pence has really done it:

The man from Indiana is officially pursuing the presidency in 2024.

His paperwork isn't all completed at the moment of writing, but it's very possible that everything will be in order by the time you are reading this article.

Chances are, by now, Pence is officially a candidate for the biggest job in the world.

Pence was speaking to a crowd of roughly 1,000 people in Iowa this weekend when he teased the big news:

"Come this Wednesday, I’m announcing in Iowa," Pence said at Senator Jodi Ernst's Roast and Ride.

Every year, Ernst holds a motorcycle and barbecue event to benefit American veterans.

This year, Mike Pence used the event to launch his campaign.

"Should we enter the race later this week I’m very confident that we’ll have the support to be able to carry our message, tell our story, which is not just my years as vice president but also years as governor of a conservative state leading a conservative agenda, record employment, as also being a conservative leader in the Congress of the United States, fighting against the big spenders in my own party," Pence said recently.

He thinks he's got the support to do it, saying:

We’ll have the resources to tell our story and my hope is, should we enter the race, that by the time people are making decision, we won’t just be well known, we’ll be known well. They’ll know who the Pences are. They’ll know what our values are, our sense of calling, and I’m confident we can do that.