Pelosi still wields power in Congress despite stepping aside from speaker's role in 2022

 September 1, 2024

Fleas, dandruff, ticks, rashes, weeds, bed bugs, cockroaches, and lifelong liberal politicians.

We're talking about all of the things that you THINK you've gotten rid of, but just seem to keep coming back.

Despite Nancy Pelosi stepping aside as House speaker back in 2022, it seems as though she's more powerful than ever.

One of those reasons may be her insider stock trades that keep her wealthy and, therefore, one of the most powerful people in America. Pelosi has completely destroyed the trust in America's political system by using her knowledge of upcoming legislation to make millions of dollars trading stocks in her husband's name.

Another reason is the fact that she simply REFUSES to go away.

When Joe Biden was forced out of his re-election campaign, Pelosi was behind it.

When J6 controversies still arise years after the incident, Pelosi's at the center.

America NEEDS to be rid of Nancy Pelosi, and we're praying it happens soon.