Pat Sajak officially hands 'Wheel of Fortune' to Ryan Seacrest

 June 15, 2024

Pat Sajak has been hosting Wheel of Fortune for decades, so Ryan Seacrest has some big shoes to fill after the longtime host heads off into retirement.

"Well, this is it, Ryan" Sajak says to Seacrest in a video posted by show producers.

Seacrest took some time last week to post on social media in honor of the hosting legend who's spent over 40 years at the helm of Wheel of Fortune.

"Pat, congratulations on an incredible run with Wheel of Fortune! Your dedication, charm, and wit have made the show a beloved part of American television for decades," Seacrest said.

"Your partnership with Vanna has been nothing short of iconic, and together, you’ve created countless wonderful memories for viewers," Seacrest continued.

He went on, "You’ve set the standard for hosts everywhere, and this marks the end of an era. Best wishes for all your future endeavors."

Sajak's next step is reportedly a role in the play Prescription: Murder, which will run during the summer of 2025.