Parents arrested for locking 6-year-old daughter in cage, beating and starving her

By Jen Krausz on
 February 13, 2024

Parents of a six-year-old girl in Pennsylvania have been arrested for zip-tying her hands and feet, locking her in a dog cage naked, and beating and starving her over a period of years.

Jacob William Weight Sr., 37, and Mimi Ann Frost, 33, were arrested last week after police investigated reports of abuse for more than a month.

Police first went to the couple's home after Weight called 911 and said that the girl had a seizure and went limp when a sibling tried to bathe her. She had bruises and open sores all over her and was malnourished, police said.

The home had feces smeared on the floor and was unfit for children, leading to the removal of the girl and five other children ranging in age from 5 to 17. Some of the other children reportedly also abused the girl.

The couple's nephew, who was one of the children living in the home, told police that she had been locked in the crate and fed dog food. Evidence suggested that she was beaten whenever she tried to get out of the cage and find food.

The parents are being held without bail, and police don't know why the girl was abused in this way. Too bad the criminal justice system won't zip-tie the parents and put them in a cage naked with dog food so they can understand what they did to her.