Over half of top 10 lawmakers who received the most earmarks were Republicans

 July 3, 2023

A report from watchdog group OpenTheBooks.com found that seven of the top ten lawmakers with the most earmarks in the last congressional spending bill were Republicans.

The organization reviewed 7,509 disclosed earmarks, which represent "$16 billion in taxpayer costs."

Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL), now retired, received the most earmarks. Retired Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) were close behind Shelby.

Senators Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Susan Collins (R-ME) also were on the list. These massive sums raise eyebrows as Republicans look to cut costs amid soaring inflation and cost of living for American taxpayers.

The fact that such influential Republicans are taking millions in earmarks should be cause for concern.

The party of fiscal responsibility should not tolerate such irresponsible spending.