Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt endorses Ron DeSantis for president over Donald Trump

 June 12, 2023

Ron DeSantis captured arguably his biggest endorsement yet when Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt announced his endorsement of the Florida governor over President Donald Trump on Saturday.

Stitt cited DeSantis' conduct during the Covid-19 pandemic as the reason for choosing him over Trump.

The Oklahoman leader said, "Governor DeSantis is a strong conservative and principled leader, and I am proud to endorse him for president. As fellow Governors during COVID, DeSantis did not surrender states’ rights and individual liberties over to groupthink."

The statement from Stitt continued by saying, "In this election cycle, Oklahomans will remember that DeSantis was one of the few who never backed down in the face of adversity, because DeSantis operated with dogged conviction and shared our values for a limited government and free country."

Stitt's endorsement came after 20 Oklahoma state legislators issued an endorsement of DeSantis signaling that he seems to have captured the state of Oklahoma.

DeSantis' conduct during the Covid-19 pandemic is arguably his greatest asset when it comes to securing the GOP's nomination. No one can deny that DeSantis did everything in his power to push back against the left's totalitarian lockdown agenda.