Observers worry Donald Trump's health declining as pressure mounts

 August 21, 2023

Former President Donald Trump is under an immense amount of pressure as he runs for president and battles multiple indictments.

Some observers fear that Trump's health is on the decline thanks to the workload he has taken on. The extensive legal battles and the public pressure would make anyone crack, even a certified trooper like Trump.

A video Trump posted to Truth Social has body language expert Judi James especially concerned.

James stated that Trump had "verbal slurring" as well as several moments where he "verbally faltered," all while looking "tired and stressed."

James also explained, "He must be a man under intolerable pressure right now, though, and perhaps this appearance and verbal slurring are a sign of tiredness or stress."

Trump isn't getting any younger, and his endless vitality may have its limits. Americans can only hope that he gets some kind of relief soon, or alternatively, this video was just a particularly bad day that isn't indicative of Trump's energy level.