NY Orders Redrawn Congressional District Maps

 December 14, 2023

In a blow to the GOP, New York's top court threw out the state's congressional map on Dec. 12.

This means that the boundaries are going to have to be redrawn.

The decision could ultimately pave the way for the Democrat-controlled legislature to draw a new map that gives the party a MAJOR edge in the 2024 election.

This is a HUGE deal because, of course, Democrats don't do anything if it isn't going to benefit them immensely.

By deciding at this point in time that the map needs to be redrawn, the court could flip the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Experts are predicting that Democrats might be able to squeeze out as many as six more seats in New York if they are clever enough when they draw their lines.

If every other state stayed the same in terms of the composition of their Representatives, those six flips from Red to Blue would be enough to turn the entire lower chamber over to the Democrats.