North Carolina Supreme Court hands Republicans massive victory ahead of 2024

 May 1, 2023

The North Carolina Supreme Court upheld a photo ID voting law and voided a previous ruling that upheld a claim that redistricting maps had been gerrymandered in a bombshell decision on Friday.

The decision was a massive win for Republicans who are working to secure North Carolina's election system against voter fraud and other schemes to subvert next year's presidential election.

The court had previously thrown out the Republican-led state legislature map in favor of maps drawn up by trial judges.

Chief Justice Paul Newby wrote, "In its decision today, the Court returns to its tradition of honoring the constitutional roles assigned to each branch. This case is not about partisan politics, but rather about realigning the proper roles of the judicial and legislative branches."

Republican House Speaker Tim Moore reacted to the decision by saying, "The decisions handed down today by the NC Supreme Court have ensured that our constitution and the will of the people of North Carolina are honored."

Democrats are understandably outraged by this decision, but the North Carolina Supreme Court's decision is final. There will be no progressive judicial activism from North Carolina's top court as long as constitutionalists are in control.