North Carolina Overrides Veto Of 12-Week Abortion Restriction

 May 18, 2023

North Carolina recently passed a bill that restricted abortions in the state after twelve weeks.

At least it looked like that was what would happen. The state's Democratic governor, Roy Cooper, stepped in to veto the bill. Cooper appeared pretty pleased with himself for allowing the legal slaughter of unborn babies in his state.

North Carolina's legislature did not agree with Cooper.

The state Senate voted 30-20 to override Cooper's veto. Shortly after that, the state House voted 78-48 to do the same.

"We are going to have to kick it into an even higher gear when that veto stamp comes down. If just one Republican in either the House or the Senate keeps a campaign promise to protect women’s reproductive health we can stop this ban," Cooper said just before vetoing the bill.

State Representative Tricia Cotham was so disgusted with Cooper's claims that she switched parties and became Republican as a result.