'Nobody's buying Biden,' says Pence

By Jen Krausz on
 July 10, 2023

Former Vice President Mike Pence told Breitbart News on Saturday that "nobody's buying Biden" and that "people are ready for a change."

“We hit more than a dozen events in ten counties over the next four days. And I gotta tell you, the enthusiasm out there for change for turning this country around is greater than anything I’ve ever seen before,” he said, noting that inflation has increased 16% since Biden took office.

Pence said that many people have left the workforce since Biden came in as president and that Democrats are likely to raise taxes in 2025 when the Trump-Pence tax cuts expire.

He warned that the national debt would multiply in the coming years if nothing was done to restrain spending and advocated a plan his administration would implement to fix the problem.

“You allow younger Americans to invest a portion of their payroll taxes in a personal savings account,” Pence said, which would help to make Social Security and Medicare more solvent.

The plan has drawn mixed reviews from officials and lawmakers, many of whom worry that the changes could leave Americans penniless when they most need help.