Nikki Haley said she would pardon Trump so country could move forward

By Jen Krausz on
 August 1, 2023

Presidential candidate and former Trump administration official Nikki Haley said Sunday on CBS' Face The Nation that she would pardon former President Donald Trump if she were elected president so that the country could move forward rather than be stuck in the past.

Haley, 51, has repeatedly said she thinks the country needs new, younger leadership rather than Trump (76) or Biden (80).

She said that if Trump is convicted of a crime, it would show a threat to national security, but that she thinks it's more important to consider the impact on the country.

"I think that one of the things we have to look at is not what’s in the best interest of, you know, the president, but what’s in the best interest of the country," she said.

"I don’t want there to be all of this division over the fact that we have a president serving years in jail over a documents trial. I want all of this to go away," she continued.

"It’s why we have to have a new generational leader. It’s why we need to move forward," she concluded. "We can’t keep living with indictments and court cases and vengeance of the past. We’ve got to start going forward."