Nikki Haley reportedly open to being Donald Trump's running mate as campaign fizzles

 December 31, 2023

Nikki Haley's presidential campaign is on life support, and she appeared to kiss the ring by suggesting she was open to being former President Donald Trump's right-hand woman in 2024.

Haley's campaign has been foundering, and things only got worse on Wednesday after she was jumped for not saying that slavery was the cause of the American Civil War.

However, at a town hall in New Hampshire, a voter asked Haley, "Would you be able to say categorically that you will not accept being Trump's vice president?"

While Haley made allusions to not playing for second place, she gave the wordiest answer possible, thus suggesting that she is keeping her options open.

Haley replied by saying, "I could say to you what you want to hear, and you could go check that box and go do whatever, but I'm going to continue to tell you my truth, and the truth that I have always told the truth, even when I was in the administration. President Trump and I worked well together. Why? Because I told him the truth."

If anything, she seems to be openly making her case to be Trump's vice president by saying she has a history of effective collaboration with him. Of course, a Trump/Haley ticket is the last thing most conservatives want to see in 2024, so the odds are not in her favor.