Nikki Haley releases ad in Iowa targeting Biden

 December 26, 2023

President Joe Biden already has a massive thorn in the side of his 2024 presidential campaign with former President Donald Trump.

But according to the Washington Examiner, he now has to contend with attacks from former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who recently released a powerful ad taking aim at Biden and his administration.

Haley's campaign released the ad in Iowa over the weekend. In it, they tout the former governor's lead over Biden in the state.

The ad emphasizes the number of hypothetical polls that show Haley doing better against Biden in the general election than Trump or Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

"It’s no secret Democrats are rooting for Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis in the Republican presidential race,” said Haley campaign spokeswoman Olivia Perez Cubas.

She added, "After all, Trump and DeSantis barely beat Biden or lose to him, while Nikki Haley trounces Biden in the general election. Voters are rallying to Nikki because they know she is a winner."

The Examiner noted:

In a new Wall Street Journal poll, Haley beat Biden in a head-to-head 2024 matchup by an overwhelming 17 points, 51% to 34%. Trump also defeated Biden, but by only four points, 47% to 43%. DeSantis only managed to tie Biden at 45% each.

While Haley is doing well in hypotheticals against Biden, she still trails Trump in the Hawkeye State. The Examiner noted that about half of Iowa caucusgoers are set on who they're voting for, but about 46% indicated that they could be swayed before casting their vote.

That leaves a lot of room for Haley -- and others -- to make up ground in the state that typically sets the momentum for a Republican presidential candidate.

Haley still trails both Trump and DeSantis in many GOP primary polls, but has generally been the only candidate aside from Trump to see a consistent uptick in support.

The Examiner added:

Haley's Iowa effort is also aided by the recent endorsement of billionaire Charles Koch-tied Americans for Prosperity Action, an expansive grassroots organization already mobilized in Iowa and other early nominating states. The network of activists quickly began organizing for Haley following the endorsement, with AFP revealing it's reached more than 300,000 Iowa voters in the weeks since.

Clearly, Haley's campaign team is betting big on Iowa.

Only time will tell if that bet pays off.