New York Times FINALLY Slams Biden For Ignoring His Own Grandchild

 July 11, 2023

The New York Times isn't known to hold liberals responsible for their heinous actions very often, but it finally happened to Joe Biden.

Columnist Maureen Dowd recently bucked the trend with one of the most common-sense pieces that the paper has published in years.

Dowd opened her column by saying that her "sister is not immune to Joe Biden’s gregarious Irish charm," but Maureen then added that her sister, Peggy Dowd, has been really bothered by Joe Biden's refusal to acknowledge his own granddaughter.

"I watched as you told the nation that you had six grandchildren, and you loved each one of them. I believe that. What I cannot believe and what I find unconscionable is that you refuse to admit or accept the fact that there is a beautiful little 4-year-old girl living in Arkansas by the name of Navy Joan who is your seventh grandchild," Peggy Dowd said.

Dowd is disgusted how neither Hunter nor Joe will acknowledge the child that a paternity test has proved to be part of the Biden family. She said:

As she grows up, knowing that her father and paternal grandparents wanted nothing to do with her, she will probably be able to see a video or two showing her half-sister Naomi getting married on the South Lawn and you watching the fireworks on the balcony with little Beau, and if she misses that, there will be plenty of schoolmates to remind her that she wasn’t wanted. Kids can be mean that way.

So can liberal adults.