New York Times Admits That Trump Is DOMINATING Polls

 August 2, 2023

The New York Times doesn't like to give Donald Trump credit very often, even when it comes to comparing him against other Republicans.

That leaves the outlet between a rock and a hard place, as its own polls are only telling one story, and it's the one the NYT did not want to tell.

Trump isn't just leading the Republican primary, he's DOMINATING.

This man is leading the next closest competitor, Ron DeSantis, with over THREE TIMES the amount of support that the Florida governor is enjoying.

It seems like forever ago that DeSantis was in sniffing distance of Trump, but we're really talking about just last fall.

Back then, DeSantis was RED HOT, having just moved Florida from a purple state to a presumably red one for the foreseeable future.

DeSantis' momentum has soured, however. Trump's has done the complete opposite.

Trump has been travelling upward with a rocket strapped to his back in the last six months or so.

When even the New York Times is admitting it, you know it's serious.