New poll finds Donald Trump taking a surprise lead over Joe Biden in hypothetical 2024 match-up

 January 23, 2023

A new Harvard-Harris poll released on Saturday revealed that former President Donald Trump has taken a surprising lead over President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 match-up.

The poll found that Trump holds a clear five-point lead with 46% of respondents indicating they would support Trump for president in 2024.

Joe Biden is significantly behind at 41% in a match-up against his predecessor. Kamala Harris isn't faring much better falling eight points behind Trump, who enjoys 48% support among respondents in that match-up.

Things only get worse when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is brought into the picture.

The poll found that DeSantis is beating Joe Biden 42% to 39%. While the gap is certainly smaller, it shows how strong DeSantis is becoming as a possible successor to Trump.

Republicans are finding themselves with a difficult choice to make. They have two legitimate candidates to beat Joe Biden in 2024, but will Trump's advanced age and baggage make him a liability in 2024?