New Mexico Supreme Court Deals GOP Massive Loss

 November 29, 2023

The GOP just received a massive loss after the New Mexico Supreme Court rejected its appeal to redraw New Mexico’s congressional map.

Democratic lawmakers were accused by the Republican party of gerrymandering the state's most southern district in the 2021 map.

The GOP contended it was an intentional effort to gain control of the oil and gas industry, which usually falls in conservative territory.

The Republican Party’s appeal to redraw the map would have stopped the Democrats in their tracks.

Unfortunately, the New Mexico Supreme Court has once again turned a blind eye to the slimy ways of Democratic lawmakers.

This is nothing new to the Republican Party.

We have been, and always will be, given a harder time than the whiny Democrats.

But that’s what happens when you are consistently the adult in the relationship.

What do you think of the New Mexico Supreme Court’s decision to reject the Republican Party’s appeal?

Let us know in the comments below.