New inflation numbers come in 'hotter than expected,' Biden campaign in trouble

 April 11, 2024

President Joe Biden and his 2024 reelection campaign have an economy problem.

Not that it's a new thing, though. Any working-class American, under President Biden, knows the financial pain suffered over the past several years.

The administration experienced a brief bit of minor relief from the issue as numbers earlier this year suggested that inflation was on its way down.

But according to Axios, March's inflation report is nothing short of a total nightmare for Americans, once again, and especially for Biden's reelection chances. Biden and his surrogates have worked overtime to gaslight Americans into believing the economy is in much better shape than it actually is.

Anyone who buys groceries, pays utility bills, buys gas, and pays for rent or a mortgage know that there is nothing good about the economy as it stands right now. And Biden's administration can try until they're out of breath to convince them otherwise, but it ain't happening.

The latest inflation report indicated that inflation is back on the rise after the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Wednesday that the Consumer Price Index rose 0.4%, "coming in hotter than expected," Axios wrote.

The nasty rise in the CPI also means that The Fed will undoubtedly not be cutting interest rates anytime soon, which will keep rates for housing, vehicles and loans at record-high levels.

But wait, it gets worse, Axios reported:

Perhaps more troubling for the White House: the core measure — which excludes food and energy prices — rose at an annualized pace of 4.5% in the last three months. That suggests the inflation isn't just high. It's also stubborn.

If you ask Biden, who is as far from an economist as one can possibly be, he said that the numbers may delay rate cuts "by a month or so." We'll check back on that one.

He also lied about inflation numbers in a bizarre and goofy attempt to blame it on President Donald Trump.

"Look, we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%," Biden said. "We're better situated than where we were when we took office, where inflation was skyrocketing."

Any reasonable-minded person, political stripe aside, would be dishonest to say that they're doing better under Biden than they did under Trump. And Trump's campaign, along with his surrogates, are making sure people remember when we could all afford gas and groceries without checking our bank accounts afterward to see the damage.

Voters, especially in minority communities, are voicing support for Trump for that reason alone, and Biden's going to find out in November just how much people do not care about politics when it comes to having the ability to feed their families.