Pelosi reportedly threatened to publicly trash Biden if he didn't withdraw from race

 August 18, 2024

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) threatened to publicly trash President Biden if he didn’t end his reelection bid, according to an insider report to the Daily Mail.

Four sources close to the campaign came forward and claimed that Pelosi threatened Biden if he didn't drop out while the president was in Delaware recovering from a COVID-19 diagnosis.

This was just after his first debate with former President Donald Trump which was such a disaster that Democrats abandoned Biden overnight after months of claiming that Biden was as "sharp as a tack."

The anonymous sources claimed that alongside threats to trash Biden, Pelosi was also set to release polling data to prove how badly Biden would lose to Trump.

Biden reportedly had a “come to Jesus” moment in reaction to this betrayal and directed staffers to begin his resignation letter. He would go on to drop out of the race and designate Kamala Harris as his replacement.

That endorsement of Harris appeared to be his way of getting back at Pelosi and the Democratic Party leaders who betrayed him. Now Democrats are arguably in a worse boat with Harris as their supposed savior, which says a lot, considering how badly Biden was polling.