Multiple White House officials, off the record, describe 'dark' atmosphere around Biden after debate

 July 4, 2024

The White House is working overtime to shoot down reports that there's internal turmoil regarding the 81-year-old president's disastrous debate with former President Donald Trump.

However, multiple reports from insiders behind the scenes are reporting that staffers, aides and others close to the president are "freaking out" over his debate performance and the deepening calls for his replacement in the November election.

Axios is one of many outlets that reached out to sources within the White House to get the real story about how people were feeling, instead of the never-ending spin coming from the White House comms team.

The results were telling, to say the least, as multiple sources confirmed worst-case scenario for Biden and his campaign team.

"It's the first topic of every conversation," one White House official reportedly said. "Senior leadership has given us nothing. To act like it's business as usual is delusional."

"Everyone is freaking the f*** out," another White House official said.

Yet a third White House official told the outlet, "The uncertainty after Thursday is palpable and anxiety is only increasing."

They added, "People are looking for leadership and direction that they were told to trust, and hoped was there, but aren't yet feeling in what is now clearly a defining moment for this presidency."

Axios recounted how many officials said that they were provided talking points to describe the debate, pointing to Biden simply having a bad night. But the problem is that Biden confirmed what many on the right had been saying for months -- if not years -- leading up to the debate... in that Biden is simply too cognitively challenged to carry on in his official capacity.

"It's dark," said another official involved in the Biden campaign. "It feels like there is zero leadership or information. People are being told to keep their heads down and keep working, but they're not seeing the president or being given any reason why they should have faith in him."

Many in the historically Biden-friendly liberal media changed their tunes suddenly after the debate last Thursday night, calling for the elderly president to be replaced before it's too late to make such a move for the November election.

The White House's attempt to write off the many videos showing Biden's cognitive decline as "cheap fakes" was suddenly no longer valid after Thursday night, as the entire country witnessed what a shell of a man he has become.

At least publicly, most Democrats who have enough street cred to pressure Biden to drop out are far too cowardly to do so, even though they know the truth and saw what everyone else saw.

The White House has insisted that Biden will finish the race, but many believe that he's too far gone at this point.