Mother of Florida murder suspect charged after texts revealed she helped him plan shooting

By Jen Krausz on
 August 16, 2023

Sheila Agee, 50, was charged Monday in the shooting of 18-year-old Brooklyn Sims at the Home Depot in Pensacola, Florida after text messages were discovered showing that she helped her son Keith, 20, plan the killing on Friday.

"According to text messages, it’s clear that Keith Agee’s mother, Sheila Agee, knew and participated in the plan to kill Brooklyn Sims. Additionally, text messages between mother and son highlight the mother’s involvement in helping locate the victim," the Escambia County Sheriff's Office (ECSO) wrote on Facebook.

A news outlet in Pensacola reported that Sims and Keith Agee had a 2-year-old daughter together, although police have not confirmed that relationship yet.

ECSO released the text messages on its Facebook page to show why Sheila Agee was arrested.

The messages show the two coordinating how Keith Agee was going to shoot Sims, where she would be, and that Sheila would get out of the way before the shooting happened to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

Sheila Agee was arrested in Alabama after attending a balloon release for Sims there and will be extradited to Florida to face charges.