Minnesota poll shows most voters can't name their representatives

By Jen Krausz on
 December 4, 2023

A new poll of Minnesota voters showed that many voters can't name their House representatives, but have good name recognition with the state's senators.

The latest MinnPost/Embold Research poll showed that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) was the most recognizable name in the House, with only 7% saying they never heard of her.

This makes sense with the number of times Omar has been in the news, even nationally, for controversial statements and happenings. Omar also had the highest unfavorable rating in the poll, -31%.

The least recognizable House member was Rep. Brad Finstad (R), with 51% of poll respondents saying they didn't recognize his name.

Even Rep. Tom Emmer (R), the majority whip of the House, had 25% of the state's voters not recognizing his name.

Congress remains generally unfavorable to most voters, and this sentiment is consistent across other polls as well.