Michelle Obama opens up about 'broken things' in marriage

By Jen Krausz on
 January 12, 2024

Former first lady Michelle Obama shared her thoughts about marriage with Jay Shetty during his podcast On Purpose, including some musings on her 31 years as Barack Obama's wife.

“I don’t want people looking at me and Barack like ‘hashtag couples goals’ and not know that there’s some broken things that happen, even in the best of marriages,” she said.

She said that marriage is often hard, but that some of the difficulties are not "quit-worthy," while others like abuse or criminality are.

She joked, “Oh, you’re mad at your partner for a year, and you think the marriage is over? No, you’re gonna have decades.”

About her marriage to the former president, she said, "We’ve made a lot of mistakes. We’ve gotten it wrong. And after 31 years, we’re getting better at it, and it gets better and better.”

“Of course, it’s gonna be hard,” she declared. “But I wouldn’t trade in my marriage for anything in the world — with all the ups and downs, with all the running-for-president stuff.”